Monday, March 10, 2014

7 years on...

I completely forgot this blog was still active!

7 years later, well still at the same job (not sure why sometimes...), and 5 years ago met Darren, my other half. He's definitely a keeper, although he does support Chelsea (me being a Man Utd fan it makes for an interesting home here some matches!).  Life makes a lot more sense than it did 7 years ago with him around. We face life's problems together, he makes me laugh, and it just seems, well the way a relationship should be easy. 

He has two amazing teenage kids, a lovely family and gets on with my family - my nephew loves teasing him :)

So, what else has happened?  I've hit my thirties (not scary at all) loved and lost our beloved Jasper cat (he came with the boyfriend and adopted me as his mum), had a little cancer scare - all ok but was a little frightening at the time), started playing darts again and playing well (it's how we met), and become quite a good cook and baker - well everything seems to get eaten in this house!

I may come back at some point to update - 7 years is a long time and it's hard to think what I've done!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Wow, where did the past few months go??

Anyway, have been living back home for nearly 5 months now, and I'm absolutely loving it. Got back in contact with loads of people (some more than others, but that's a whooole other story!) off to Spain in a couple of weeks with a mate, got a good job, and barely have nights in anymore!

Only thing I have to ask myself is: Why didn't I do this earlier?! Really don't miss York at all!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bye York

It's been fun, but you're doing my head in now. By the end of this month (op allowing of course)I will be a southerner again, and I can't wait. I'll be able to see my nephew loads (which, judging by his reaction knowing I wasn't there today, he's pleased with).

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Yes i'm still here..

Not able to work anymore due to waiting for yes, another operation, this time for gallstones..

Not much to say really, apart from not working life is pretty much normal, back in my size 12's due to illness (not the best way of going about it), trying to write my book seeing as i have free time and have got a new computer which is a hell of a lot better than the last ones i've had :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm Still Standing

Yes, I'm still here...

Had a tough few months. After my Nan died my depression came back a bit, picked myself up yet again and realised that my new job was total and utter shite. Yes, it's great not having much to do occasionally, every day since you have started a new job is not such a good thing. I have to admit I had a little "life's too short for this shit" thing going on so I quit my job. It feels really weird not having a regular salary coming into your bank account, and in fact I seriously considered moving back south, but this is my home now - I've been in York 6 years - and I can always go and visit when I want, and I may have a job if I do go back so it's a security blanket if I ever need it.

My mum was great through this little episode. She moved to London at 18 from Stafford so she knew what I was going through and actually gave an honest non mum opinion, although I do know that (not so) secretly she'd like me nearer to her. So I'll be nice and not reveal how old she'll be on Friday but it's one year till a big birthday, one which she doesn't want to happen!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Was my nan's funeral. To be honest I thought I was all cried out, but it started again yesterday when I stayed at her house and she wasn't there. It sounds stupid but I couldn't sleep without a light on an my radio going. Mum's sister had taken the photo's from the house and shared them between the siblings, so mum let choose what I wanted to keep for myself, which of course set me off again. On a lighter/possibly scary note for me, there were two pictures of my mum at about 20ish and it's me! We always have the "you look like each other" etc thing, but this seriously freaked both of us out, you cannot tell the difference between her then and me now :)

However, the strangest thing about today for me was I had to be the strongest of my parents and me. Obviously I knew my mum would be really upset - it was her mum after all, but I never thought I'd have to comfort my dad like I did.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I'm sorry if you find this post corny or whatever, but I just don't care.

My wonderful Nan passed away today and I never thought I could be this upset. She was an amazing woman who worked not only at bringing up three children (one of them being my mum)but as a nurse at Stafford Infirmary for over 35 years. She was one of the most kind, generous, smiley people I knew, and until she became ill nothing was ever too much trouble for her. She was a typically mother figure, making sure hunger and thirst was dealt with. I loved going to visit her when I was a child, she always took me to town and bought me sweets or a toy. I also remember being so excited when she came to visit for Easter or Christmas, making the bread sauce together and then Nan falling asleep after the Queen's speech :) She would always play monopoly or cluedo with me, and even to this day she always sent me gifts (money for Easter wine or Birthday wine she called it).

I know that I have inherited some things from her. My nose, according to my mum, wanting to help people and caring way too much about things.

I'm going to miss you more than you'll ever know.

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