Well that was a different weekend than i thought. My friends have been trying to set me up with another of their friends for a while (forget it, 15 years older and sooo not my type). So i did a bad thing and told them i was ill (i'm sure karma will get me in the end). Was looking forward to a quiet night in, but then housemate's ex decided to come round, drunk, and annoy the hell out of me. He would not leave for hours, i then probably annoyed my friend by having a rant via text at him for hours (thanks :)).
Saturday was definitely going to be a quiet one, as was not motivated to do anything. Was saved from utter depression by friend who invited me round to watch unromantic films and have a rant at the world. Thought i made a good decision with the unromantic choice with Anger Management, but the last ten minutes was complete sick bag time - why do film makers have to do it?
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