Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head

I've decided that instead of thinking up witty titles, I'm just going to put words of songs that I've listened to on, hence the meaningless title today.

caffeine fix has started in earnest today, red bull and coffee has been consumed, and eyes don't feel so glued together any more. Work is still manic, and no sign of letting up so really need to be awake. Maybe I should get some pro plus...

Listened to a compilation CD that I haven't heard in ages. I'd forgotten what good tracks were one it, Massive Attack, Underworld, Primal Scream, Placebo, Skunk Anansie - all very good. Have decided on pay day that I will be buying the Guns 'n' Roses greatest hits album, which of course will have to played at full blast - sorry neighbours :)


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