Wednesday, April 14, 2004

What will they think of next?

I've just been reading that scientists have been studying whether what month a person is born in effects their luck. Apparently May is the luckiest month to be born in. How on earth can they measure that? I'm a May baby, and I really don't consider myself to be luckier than my friends born in later months. People born in May are also supposed to be more optimistic and happy than people born in other months. Surely it is just dependant on the personality than anything else. It's the same as horoscopes. Just because I'm born at a certain time of year, so therefore am a Taurus does not mean what astrologers say is going to happen to Taurus is going to happen to me, it could be that the horoscope for Gemini is better for me that day. You cannot judge things like that. I'm so glad that money is being used on worthwhile research..


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