Monday, May 17, 2004

Honestly, the fresh air will do you some good

Had a fantastic night out on Friday - 14 of us in total were out celebrating, and i seem to be the only one who didn't have a hangover the next day, ner ner!

Dragged my housemate out into town on Saturday claiming that the fresh air on the walk to town would make her feel better (really i just wanted to start spending my vouchers - i made it to one shop). We ended up sitting outside with her struggling to drink a blackcurrant and lemonade for two hours. Was fun people watching though.

Spent most of yesterday gardening in the gorgeous weather, and i didn't even manage to get a tan - i never do, bastard pale English skin! Everyone at work has come in all tanned, and i was asked whether i even went outside on the weekend - unfair!


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