Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Probably the worst week in the world

On my own still, at least at the moment there isn't too much work on (famous last words..).

Just been reminded that i have to sign up for this Race for life - oops. Only 2 weeks to go and i haven't even thought about training. I think it will be a 3 mile walk, i know i can handle that. Work have even got me a kit and we have to get our photos taken, and i hate having my photo taken at the best of times. As a favour, no-one come and see me do this!

I will stop whinging, i promise.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

When is something going to go right?

I'm feeling so pissed off this morning. On my own again at work, and what do i see lots of on the way to work? Fucking lovey dovey couples. I'm absolutely sick of it.

Monday, June 28, 2004

What a wonderful start to the week - not.

Having had to wake up really early to be thrashed at tennis yet again, and the shower at the gym not deciding whether it wanted to scold me or freeze me, i get to work and discover that the other secretary is not coming in because she's not well. I feel like absolute shite myself, but i can't go home because I'm only person in the office - so unfair! Stress levels are rising steadily, shoulders are in definite need of a massage :)

Must stop ranting, just realised who i sound like...

Friday, June 25, 2004

That's that then.

I guess i should have known that when England went to extra time we were going to have penalties and that will be it. Oh well, only two years to the World Cup.

I'm actually going out in town tonight which will be the first time since my birthday - need alcohol to recover from this week.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

King Rooney

What a result last night! Got fairly hammered last night so was quite glad when i got the message that i wouldn't be playing tennis this morning - although i couldn't get back to sleep you bastard, so am very tired now (and fair enough, you may trash me, but i don't have coaching like you and I'm a little tiny woman (hah!))

On a happier note, i've been able to book some time off - hope the 5th and 6th of July come round very quickly.

Friday, June 18, 2004


Am so glad this week is nearly over - absolutely knackered! I was going to have a few drinks last night to celebrate England winning, but i just couldn't do it, as i thought about all the work i had to do today. Does this mean i'm finally growing up? I doubt it very much, seeing as my plan tonight is to definitely have a glass of wine or 10 - i think i deserve it after my quite pure week.

Oh, and is it me or does the fight on Big Brother smack of a publicity attempt?

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Too busy at the moment, more and more work piling up for me to do, getting very stressed now. I'm even going to have to do some work at home now...

Monday, June 14, 2004


God I'm knackered - what a party! Lots of steak, gorgeous cocktail that we made (very alcoholic), and loads of people. We seem to have come back home with more alcohol than we took though (lots of red wine, which we don't even drink, so have no idea what to do with that), and about a ton of crisps that housemates friend brought. I think we're soon going to look like a cross between a wine bottle and a packet of Spudz.

Last night of course i watched the football - bastard French. Let's hope we do better in our next two games..

Friday, June 11, 2004

Busy bee

Think we've got all the stuff for party on Saturday, especially as we seem to have bought the entire contents of Asda! Really looking forward to it, massive barbecue, lots of alcohol to be drunk and pissed tennis to be played. Least we don't have to start preparing anything until tomorrow, so tonight i can relax and have a few beers ;)

This really is an expensive time of the year, far too many birthdays, and a wedding as well this year. Just realised i think i have about 3 weekends where nothing (so far) is happening until September!

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Slightly busy couple of days then, calmed down for the moment, so now it's time for my home life to get busy..

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Proof that it's too warm

Quote of the day:

"whoever invented the tie deserves a slap"

Monday, June 07, 2004

All by myself

I must remember this fact: I cannot do quiet beers. Major detox is now required, especially due to the fact that it's my housemates 30th (hehe) birthday party on Saturday - i have a feeling i won't be seeing much of Sunday (then again, i didn't actually see much of Saturday or Sunday this weekend :))

So... it's the first day at work on my own since the other secretary left. Not too bad at the moment, not a lot to do. Of course now I've said that I'll be rushed off my feet.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Back to normality

What a week - i think i need another holiday to get over this one. I'm now an auntie, Thomas was born on Monday and is very cute. I've just not stopped this week, coming back to work is like coming back for a rest.

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