Friday, July 30, 2004

Alcomohol day

It's Friday, It's pay day, and of course that only means one thing - i'm going out straight after work.  I've got my posh shoes on already (and the necessary blister plasters!) as i'm going to a posh bar first and i've got to look the part, especially as my next planned night out in a couple of weeks will see me looking like a schoolgirl (don't panic, it's for a hen night..).

Thursday, July 29, 2004

So summers finally arrived

Ok, just how hot can my office get?  What i wouldn't give for some air conditioning or for someone to stand next to me with a fan.  I think i will definitely be taking advantage of my garden this evening, especially as it's starting to look really nice (thanks Ju!)

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Insert something exciting here

I've been trying for the past half an hour to come up with something to say, but I can't.  It seems I am extremely boring (well during the week anyway! ), so I can't think of anything remotely interesting to say.  This is why you have this crap here.  The only thing I've done that is slightly interesting is that I have changed my email on this site (as the other one is quite frankly, pants and I have messenger on this one).

Maybe it's time I just don't say anything anymore...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Must be my lucky day

I just have to point out that after weeks (I think since May) of being non-stop at work, I've finally managed to do everything and I'm completely up to date - I even managed to look on the internet at work, AND have a full hours lunch, unbelievable!

Saturday, July 24, 2004


God I felt like absolute shite this morning.  Far too much alcohol last night and on an empty stomach which is never going to be good.  I even got the Red Bull Shakes.  Least I'm feeling human again now..

Little point:  If you want to take the piss out of me (without me knowing), try to do it with me being out of earshot, as it was a little bit hurtful.  Thanks :)

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Ain't no stopping me now!

It really shows how held up I was getting at work, one person goes and I've done all the work!  Looks like we're interview someone else now who I believe could actually do the job, so hopefully things will have some semblance of normality soon.

Right, going to have a beer now - I've earned it as I've just got home :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


I think apologies all round to anyone that has been near me for the past month, especially those that i have been narky with.  The reason has now gone (i think you know what it was) so i promise i won't be horrible any more and i will be nice :)

Monday, July 19, 2004

Bastard Mondays

I am so drained from today, indecision by other people always seems to do that to me.  It doesn't really help that it is a Monday, and i really, really need a holiday.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Pointless babble

It's a good job the do last night had a free bar - it was the only thing it had going fot it, oh a one quite good looking barrister :)
Finally decided to get messenger up and running again on my computer (yes i know it's crap, but i know no others), the only problem is no-one is ever logged in, thereby it's kind of pointless me having it, unless other people fancy talking to me....

Friday, July 16, 2004

I did it!

I managed to successfully complete the Race for Life, and had a very well deserved shandy afterwards.  Didn't ache too much either which is good.
Looking to forward to getting pissed tonight with posh barristers, i love freebie do's!
Oh, and i see you're back then..

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I'm finally famous! I've made it to page 8 of the local paper - don't think i'll ever be page 3 :)

I'm completely shitting myself about tonight, although i do kind of know how long it's going to take me, having walked three miles yesterday (saying that though, i was in a bit of a mood so was doing a huff walk).

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

No money - great

I literally have no money now until pay day, think that pretty much puts the icing on the cake today (yes i have calmed down thanks).

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Well, when my photo does get in the paper, i will look like a bee, and very silly as you know the photo they will use is the one of me giving a colleague a piggyback.

I've finally got a computer and the internet at home! (thank you :)) which means i can actually get on with work at work,not that i have any choice any more as it's that busy, and i'm probably going to have to miss some of my friends' birthday do tomorrow - and no i'm really not a whinging old woman - honest.

Friday, July 02, 2004

And so the countdown begins..

Just under two hours to go till my days off - can't be arsed working now.

Guess who didn't get pissed last night? That's right, Miss Sensible seems to be here to stay, this can't be happening!

Thursday, July 01, 2004


First the scary news: I'm having my photo taken for the local paper for the Race for life event next week - hope the camera doesn't break!

Now the good news: 1 day left then 4 days off *grin*

Now the great news: I'm going to get pissed tonight as i haven't been for weeks (i was meant to last Friday, but i was home by 12 as i was that knackered).

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