Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Is it me, or did the weather just suddenly get cold? All i know is that this means i have to get myself a new coat, as my old one completely drowns me. I just need those sewn in mittens and i would look like a little girl who was trying to "grow into" her coat.

Ah, more money to spend again, joy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry it's not just you. I've gone from wearing my shorts and t-shirt around the house to jeans, t-shirt, shirt and big wooly polo neck jumper thingy!

Bring back summer is all i can say! :)

11:42 pm  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Definitely, found myself today putting heating on full blast and wearing HUGE woolly cardi - i looked very attractive - not :)

4:06 am  

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