Thursday, April 28, 2005

questionnaire thingy

Thanks to the good the bad and the ugly

1. Other than water, what do you drink most?

Definitely coffee

2. How do you like your steak/burger cooked?

Steak medium rare, burger normal

3. Are you afraid of birds?

Only when pigeons fly in my face

4. Would you rather eat a cupful of broken glass, or eat a cupful of live mosquitos?

Mosquitos - less damage

5. What are you wearing today?

Today i mostly wore my pinstripe suit

6. What is your favorite summertime activity?

Beer garden!

7. Why did the chicken cross the road?

To go to KFC?

8. If you could have any hair/eye/skin color combination, what would it be?

Quite happy with what i am (v.dark brown hair, hazel blue eyes. wouldn't mind knowing what i'd look like as a blonde tho

9. When is the last time you dressed up in a costume? What were you?

That would be last August, and as a schoolgirl (hen night!)

10. When you're not typing, do you prefer to print or use cursive?

I have no idea..


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