Thursday, June 23, 2005

*mumble* hate working in this weather *mumble*

Well, it looks like I'm actually quite good at rounders, my years of tennis, hockey and darts have paid off! I'm able to hit the ball, get a rounder, bowl and get people out. For some reason was fairly nervous to start off with, but then really enjoyed it. Hopefully it's going to be a regular thing - especially the weather we're having at the moment, and also take advantage of the tab at the bar. Yes you heard right, I didn't have a drink, even though it was free. Don't you all go taking my temperature at once now...

Hope the weather stays nice for next week, I've got three days off (finally - Ascot doesn't count as I had to get up earlier than normal).

Sunday, June 19, 2005

How warm?

It's so hot in my house today, complete opposite of what it usually is like (believe me, i've had complaints about the cold). All the windows are open, but there's just no air in this place!

Just want to also mention the fact that i have been "volunteered" to play rounders for work tomorrow - wish me luck, i've not played for at least 10 years!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Oops, getting a bit crap at updating this, bit a tad busy these past few weeks..

Ascot is well and truly underway in York. Went myself yesterday and got thoroughly hammered, which probably isn't the best thing at £3 a pint, and i didn't win anything!

What else has been happening.. my nephew had his first birthday, my housemate Ju had hers on Monday (not that she's just turned one - well it has a one in it..)

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