Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Having a bit of a crappy time - I'll start with the background:

When I was a baby (2 to be precise) I had something called an immature terratoma (a rare form of cancer) which meant I had to have an ovary removed.

I've got the adult version (unsurprisingly called mature terratoma) now.

To say that I'm worried/scared/shitting my pants about this would be an understatement. Having looked on websites it looks as if it will be benign, but I won't know until my blood test has come through and I've had my MRI scan.

It basically means that I'll be having an operation in the very near future, which I'm sure you'll understand I'm not looking forward to. I've already had three pretty major operations in my life, and I'm only 24.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Quick hello

Good news: I'm away on my jollies for a few days next week :)

Bad news: Looks like i'll be having an operation soon :(

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