Monday, January 23, 2006

Well you all keep coming here..

Things I like this week:

1. Having a completely random weekend, when you think you're
doing absolutely nothing;

2. I'm on holiday from work from Wednesday for a week and a half :);

3. It's not January payday yet, but I'm not quite skint;

4. I've completely lost all weight from Christmas, plus 2 lbs;

5. I've got freeview at last, so I don't have to watch the soaps anymore;

6. Someone liking you, no matter who it is;

7. At least one night out this weekend;

8. Getting loads of songs that I've wanted for a long time;

9. Did I mention my holiday?

10. I'm over my cold!


Blogger Sarah♥ said...


Accidently found your blog today and coincidentally i found out today i too an having an operation in March (16th to be exact).

Your blog is a good read!


7:29 pm  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Thank you hun!

9:38 pm  

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