Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm such a nosy cow!

Just read a mate's comment, and read a few more things while waiting for them to add me to their friend list on myspace... I'm so sorry hun, get in contact if you wanna chat :(

I feel a thunder in my heart

Completely irrelevant title, I just like the song!

So, a couple of things have happened this week, I've given up the cigs, and I really don't miss them (I know, I nearly fainted too). Got my tasebuds back, and I seem to like some chocolate, and wine tastes very nice indeed :)

Phoned the hospital as they said that my operation would be at the beginning of March and, oh, seems to be almost the middle of it. Looks like I won't be having my operation until at least June - fine by me, summer at home getting a tan (hopefully, it is England)? Can't ask for much more than that!

Also, am a bit confused about something/one else at the moment, but I think I'll leave that for now...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Now for something i promised i would post a week ago:

And this is what i was looking like:


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