Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I have one more known reader than I thought - Hi Mr H! /Nice/ hanky..

News is certainly getting out at work that I'm leaving, a couple of people are actually upset (weirdos). Hoping quite a few people from work will come out and help me on my leaving do, fingers crossed, as well as T coming out too.

Anyway, can people recommend a good hairdresser in York? Ooh and driving instructor?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How did that happen?

I turned 25, I'm a proper grown-up now :)

Thank you for pressies, texts, emails, cards and the rest - I can sit at home in my new jewellery, drinking posh wine, smelling like cocoa butter and reading the Asti Spumante Code..

Celebrated the day with T who became a grown-up the day after me. Isn't it funny how you can become best mates with someone again after not having contact for a while?

Only 2 and bit weeks to go until I leave my job, it's feeling really strange. Well, I have been there nearly 5 years (in fact miss that anniversary by a month I go) and have made a lot of friends there, definitely know a few who I'll be keeping in touch with :)

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Oh yay i'm going to a new job!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

You Are Barney

You could have been an intellectual leader...

Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer

You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps

Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem."

Normal Service is Resumed

Well I'm finally on the mend, going back to work on Monday - that will be really strange!

A huge thank you to everyone who has emailed/phoned/texted me, it's meant so much :)

Extra special thanks to T and M who have been the best, couldn't have started to feel better without you, I'll buy you a drink when we go out for my birthday (and yours of course T) next week :D

Now have a couple of things to look forward to, can't say too much at the moment, but I will asap!

«#Blogging Brits?»