I'm Still Standing
Yes, I'm still here...
Had a tough few months. After my Nan died my depression came back a bit, picked myself up yet again and realised that my new job was total and utter shite. Yes, it's great not having much to do occasionally, every day since you have started a new job is not such a good thing. I have to admit I had a little "life's too short for this shit" thing going on so I quit my job. It feels really weird not having a regular salary coming into your bank account, and in fact I seriously considered moving back south, but this is my home now - I've been in York 6 years - and I can always go and visit when I want, and I may have a job if I do go back so it's a security blanket if I ever need it.
My mum was great through this little episode. She moved to London at 18 from Stafford so she knew what I was going through and actually gave an honest non mum opinion, although I do know that (not so) secretly she'd like me nearer to her. So I'll be nice and not reveal how old she'll be on Friday but it's one year till a big birthday, one which she doesn't want to happen!