Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Hurrah, swimming works! Had one the best nights sleep that i have had in ages *grin* Now fully prepared for tonight and trebles for singles - thankfully my train isn't until 12:30 so it gives me loads of time to recover. Only a few hours left at work, so trying to clear my desk of everything. Easier said than done when people keep piling things on it.

Ah well, soon i will be enjoying mums cooking and not having to do any housework for a few days...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I don't know quite what is going on with my sleep pattern at the moment. Thursday night i couldn't get to sleep until 2, and then kept waking up, Friday i didn't go to bed until 3 anyway, but then got up at 9 feeling wide awake. Saturday i think i got about 4 hours total sleep, and Sunday i actually got 7 hours. Last night i couldn't get to sleep until 12, kept waking up and eventually was wide awake at 6:30. Surely this is not good for my health?

Ah well, going swimming again tonight so perhaps that might sort me out. Just sorted out drinks for tomorrow night, then it's off to London to see the folks for the weekend. Hopefully when i get back i will be raring to go again, then again, perhaps not...

Monday, February 23, 2004

My weekends are getting weirder and weirder. Things that i think won't happen do happen. Lots of alcohol consumed, not much sleep (bad combination).

Still, three day week this week :)

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I can't believe i did actually go swimming last night - usually i say i will go to gym etc but never do. I think the fee every month is scaring me to go :)

Can't believe it, no plans for the weekend, what's going on? Has everyone got coupled up? Have i become invisible? Do i smell bad?? HELP! Can't bear another quiet weekend!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Finally feeling motivated (well kind of..) after a couple of weeks of feeling blue. Gonna start getting healthy, as from tonight i shall be starting swimming every day or so, and playing tennis next week. Of course this is only during the week, and when Friday comes i hope to be drinking (arrangements anyone?) :)

Very pleased last night as The Darkness won loads of awards, catsuits rule!

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Karma did get me in the end. Really was ill yesterday and had to go home from work - that'll teach me :)

I find it amazing that something that happened ages and ages ago is still being talked about by the people concerned. It's not been mentioned for weeks, and then suddenly it is pretty much all that is being talked about. I wonder if there is a reason....

Monday, February 16, 2004

Well that was a different weekend than i thought. My friends have been trying to set me up with another of their friends for a while (forget it, 15 years older and sooo not my type). So i did a bad thing and told them i was ill (i'm sure karma will get me in the end). Was looking forward to a quiet night in, but then housemate's ex decided to come round, drunk, and annoy the hell out of me. He would not leave for hours, i then probably annoyed my friend by having a rant via text at him for hours (thanks :)).

Saturday was definitely going to be a quiet one, as was not motivated to do anything. Was saved from utter depression by friend who invited me round to watch unromantic films and have a rant at the world. Thought i made a good decision with the unromantic choice with Anger Management, but the last ten minutes was complete sick bag time - why do film makers have to do it?

Friday, February 13, 2004

I cheered myself up yesterday by doing the girl's favourite, retail therapy. Finally bought the Evanesance and Beyonce albums (for those who know me, you know i bought that for the chinchilla factor :)).

So... it's the best day of a card sellers life tomorrow - Valentines Day. Unless a VERY secret admirer is going to come out of the woodwork, it will be a normal day for me, and obviously because i am single, i view this day as just pure commercialism. Think i may just get drunk and watch completely unromantic films tomorrow night - bah humbug!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Why are men such pigs? If they don't want to go on a date with you, why don't they just say instead of chasing you until you agree to go out with them, then stand you up? You may have guessed that this happened to me last night, and i don't think there is anything more embarrassing or humiliating than waiting outside somewhere looking increasing angry. What pleasure do they get from it?

Well, at least i had a chance to use my vocabulary of expletives to my housemate, i never thought i knew so many! Unfortunately however, i proceeded to get very drunk and started crying and being depressed. I hope all you men are very pleased with yourselves.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I've been thinking about doing one of these again for a while, somewhere for me to babble on about nothing and everything (and to save my friends from my wittering for a bit).

So... a little about me then. I'm a secretary from York, and when i'm not typing i tend to be either in a pub, motivating myself to go to the gym or listening to music.

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