Friday, March 19, 2004

Alcoholic kind of mood...

I hate not being well, all I want to do when I'm like that is sleep and I cannot control it. Still, at least I've caught up now after a week of 4 hour nights :/

Can't believe the last episode of Sex and the City is tonight, I've seemed to have missed most of it due to being out/otherwise engaged so have only got the basic gist of the plot. Staying in tonight though, maybe I should make cocktails.... (I'll probably just stick to the usual, vodka and coke)

Housemate and I have decided to go out tomorrow night, hopefully not to all the usual places. Trying to organise going to Leeds next Friday - it will be the first time for me going out properly there, even though I've lived up north for nearly 4 years!

My mum has given me the "birthday phone call" already, even though it's not until the middle of May. I swear she asks what I want earlier and earlier each year, I mean, it's not even an important one this year (23). What's wrong with asking the week before?


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