Seeing as it is fairly quiet at work, and i cannot be bothered at the moment, I've been thinking about what has happened in the past year. If someone had told me this time last year this is what i would be doing with my life, i wouldn't have believed them. Lots of things have changed, I'm single, I've lost nearly 5 stone in weight, made new friends (and lost some too), moved and so many other things that probably shouldn't be mentioned here.
Things have definitely changed for the better i would say (even though sometimes i do get upset with myself!)and i don't regret anything. I've gained my independence, I'm slowly gaining confidence, both in myself and life, and have had the support from all my friends, especially through the bad times (thanks a million). I've no idea what is going to happen in the next 12 months, there are some things i do wish to happen (again, not to be explained here, a girl has to have some secrets!) but I'm looking forward to it :-)