Friday, May 28, 2004


Just over an hour left at work, then I'm away for nearly a week, i really need this holiday, I'm knackered and in need of proper food - just realised how little food I've actually consumed this week, not good.

My mum has just told me that i have been "volunteered" to work behind the bar at a do on Monday, time to pull out the low cut top and come back lines....

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Don't you hate it when you are continually let down? I do, it's one of the things i really hate. It probably stems down to me wanting to know what I'm doing ahead of time, rather than leaving plans to the last minute (this obviously doesn't include random nights out etc, as i like that).

Anyway, nothing much going on, just winding down to Friday afternoon when i get away from work for a week which i am so looking forward to. It seems like ages since I've had a break. Actually, thinking about it, it was February! Unfortunately, time goes a lot slower when you're looking forward to something.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Mmmm, peeling skin

Sunburn is going away now, thankfully. A lot less painful than it was, apart from i kept waking up in the night because i kept leaning on my back which is the most painful part.

Only three days till my holiday, really looking forward to it. Only day I'm not doing anything now is Tuesday. At least i know i will be eating a healthier diet than i am at the moment, so far today it has been coffee, fags and Slim-Fast. I'm sure I'll eat properly tonight, if i can be arsed to get anything..

Monday, May 24, 2004

I've found the culprit

The stat fixer has been found. They have of course denied all knowledge.

Update: It is not an accusation, it is plain and simple fact.

Radioactive woman

I really should not go out in the sun, am very red now, and i put suntan lotion on. It's very painful :(

Had an excellent weekend, not quiet in the slightest, but loads of fun. I've even arranged a night out when I'm down south at parents this weekend, so i won't be too bored (well until Tuesday..). There's even a night out organised when i get back on Thursday as well. I'll only have an hour to get ready from when i get off the train though.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Breaking up is hard to do

Well, actually it's not if you're not the one doing it, but listening to someone breaking up with someone is hard enough - quite glad i'm single!

The phantom stat fixer seems to have stopped for now, wonder if they'll do it over the weekend if they're bored?

Having a very quiet weekend (i'm broke), hopefully something nice and free will come along..

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you

Someone's playing with my counter again, don't know what i've done to them to deserve it, but if it is who i think it is, they had better watch themselves!

Had a random night out last night (only slightly alcohol related), completely unexpected, but very nice to know that i have made some new friends, spent over an hour just chatting and looking at the stars last night (on our newly mowed lawn, we have a new toy :)). Love doing things like that.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Decision time

I've had enough of smoking, so am going to try and give up as from tomorrow (do you know, i can hear you sniggering from here!). I can't afford it, and i'm fed up of smelling of smoke and being addicted. Any tips would be good!


Just as the warm weather starts, i get the beginnings of a cold, how attractive.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Big sister is watching you

There seems to be someone playing with my stats counter. I know where you are, and 99% certain i know who you are. STOP IT!!

Honestly, the fresh air will do you some good

Had a fantastic night out on Friday - 14 of us in total were out celebrating, and i seem to be the only one who didn't have a hangover the next day, ner ner!

Dragged my housemate out into town on Saturday claiming that the fresh air on the walk to town would make her feel better (really i just wanted to start spending my vouchers - i made it to one shop). We ended up sitting outside with her struggling to drink a blackcurrant and lemonade for two hours. Was fun people watching though.

Spent most of yesterday gardening in the gorgeous weather, and i didn't even manage to get a tan - i never do, bastard pale English skin! Everyone at work has come in all tanned, and i was asked whether i even went outside on the weekend - unfair!

Friday, May 14, 2004

All recovered now

Am now able to walk and talk at the same time, and ready for more alcohol tonight. Hopefully my mates won't do what my work colleagues did last night and sing happy birthday to me at the tops of their voices in the middle of a restaurant (yes i did go slightly red).

I blame the person who thought Aftershock was a good idea for my state this morning (the many Vodka's, lagers etc had no bearing on my hangover of course!)

It's true what they say....

Your hangovers get worse as you get older. I'm feeling very rough - fantastic birthday present :)

Thanks to everyone who has emailed/texted me/sent me cards!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

No need for a zimmer frame yet

Can't believe I've just been told by my boss that tomorrow i will be old - bit cheeky coming from someone nine years older than me i think.

Birthday celebrations start in earnest tonight with a work night out, really hope i don't have a hangover tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

My corny moment

Seeing as it is fairly quiet at work, and i cannot be bothered at the moment, I've been thinking about what has happened in the past year. If someone had told me this time last year this is what i would be doing with my life, i wouldn't have believed them. Lots of things have changed, I'm single, I've lost nearly 5 stone in weight, made new friends (and lost some too), moved and so many other things that probably shouldn't be mentioned here.

Things have definitely changed for the better i would say (even though sometimes i do get upset with myself!)and i don't regret anything. I've gained my independence, I'm slowly gaining confidence, both in myself and life, and have had the support from all my friends, especially through the bad times (thanks a million). I've no idea what is going to happen in the next 12 months, there are some things i do wish to happen (again, not to be explained here, a girl has to have some secrets!) but I'm looking forward to it :-)

I'm awake, honest zzzzzzz

Having lots and lots of caffeine this morning, very much needed.

Found out the reason why i was in that mood yesterday, of all things, i was anemic which apparently can make you feel horrible. Oh well, feeling loads better now, if not entirely awake.

Monday, May 10, 2004

So another shit day then

I must have done something really bad recently to get a week like I've/I'm having. Think i may just hide away on my birthday, as I'm not having much luck with the company i am getting (if any). Sod it, am going for another fag before i start crying again..

Friday, May 07, 2004

Well that's nearly my record

50 minutes late for work, I'm such a good employee. Typical of the last 12 hours though. I'm so pissed off with everything at the moment, having to go to bed at half ten cos I'm a gooseberry in my own home, forgetting to set my alarm, and missing my bus making me even later. Oh, and I'm on my own all weekend with nothing at all to do. Could life get any better? Fuck it, I'm getting drunk tonight!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Can you tell me where the Minster is?

Ah, tourist season has definitely arrived in York. I think I saw about 15 people with maps when I went to get my sandwich today (a rather nice pastrami on rye from Pret). This is the time where working in the centre of York is not so much fun, mainly because you usually get people who walk in front of you and the stop for no reason whatsoever, causing you to collide into them (definitely one of my pet hates).

I've also finally booked some time off work, a whole week at the beginning of June. Have absolutely no idea what i will do, but need to get away from the office for a bit to "recharge".

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Time to do some ranting

Just recovered from having a heart attack, courtesy of my stupid bank. Just checked my bank balance, and it was way less than it should have been, so obviously I phoned up my bank to make sure what had actually come out. They got a payment horrendously wrong because "their system was down" last week and duplicated a lot of things. Why didn't they check?! This is all because the people I was paying got the direct debit wrong in the first place and tried to take the money out well before they were supposed to. I am surrounded by inept people who don't know their arse from their elbow. It surprises me that some people actually remember to breathe they are that stupid!

Point to make..

No-one likes a show off!

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