Monday, August 30, 2004

My personality type

According to the BBC test anyway..

Your answers suggest you are an Idealist

Spontaneous, ideas, hearts, introverts

Summary of Idealists

* Make sense of the world using inner values
* Focus on personal growth and the growth of others
* Think of themselves as bright, forgiving and curious
* May sometimes appear stubborn

More about Idealists

Idealists put time and energy into developing personal values that they use as a guide through life. They may seek fulfilment by helping others improve themselves and often want to make the world a better place. Idealists only share their inner values with people they respect.

Idealists are the most likely group to say they are vegetarian, according to a UK survey.

Idealists enjoy discussions about a wide range of topics, particularly those that deal with the future. They are typically easy-going and flexible, but if their values are challenged they may refuse to compromise.

In situations where they can’t use their talents or are unappreciated, Idealists may have trouble expressing themselves and withdraw. Under extreme stress, Idealists may become very critical of others, or lose confidence in their own ability to cope.

Recognition for their work is important to Idealists; however, they are also good at spotting false praise.

Idealist Careers

Idealists are often drawn to jobs where they can help people reach their potential. They are also attracted to careers that allow artistic creativity.

This can't be happening

I seriously cannot believe this, I went out, supposedly to get hammered etc etc, all I wanted was my home and a cup of tea. Please tell me I'm not old, I can't be. Saying that though, everyone else in town seemed a lot younger than me, which is fairly scary considering I am 23. Maybe I'm just old before my time, or that York is pretty shite on a night at the moment. Answers anyone?

Friday, August 27, 2004

So we're just going for the one drink then?

Cue Lindsay stumbling in at 1:30 in the morning after lots of wine and black sambuca and about an hours walking (why does that always happen?)

Feeling surprisingly well this morning, although my partners in drink last night are not faring too well! I am craving fried mushrooms though, which is a bit bizarre.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Ooh Posh!

Bought myself a lovely new suit and shirt today, I'm going to look so posh at work tomorrow - for once!

Finally caught up with all the work since i was ill (yes i know it was a week ago), i can actually see my desk again and can relax for 10 minutes before i go for drinks after work..

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


I hate it when you go to the supermarket for something specific, only to realise 2 hours and £35 later you have completely forgotten it.

Monday, August 23, 2004

All better now

First of all, a big congratulations to Jules and Janine who got hitched on Saturday, it was a fantastic day, and i do believe i may have got a little tipsy. I nearly didn't make it on Saturday, due to the fact that i had been off work the Thursday and Friday with a throat and ear infection (ow), but luckily the antibiotics kicked in just in time. I had my first completely sober Friday for weeks, maybe even months!

I'm missing talking to someone. I don't know why we don't seem to be talking at the moment, but i do miss them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Go away

Don't you hate it when someone comes back from holiday, full of the joys of spring and wants everything done ASAP, when all you really want to go is go back to bed, especially seeing that due to people leaving or being moved because they were completely inept you've not actually had any real time off at all in months?

Of course, i shouldn't have gone out last night and got hammered on cocktails, which is the main reason why i want to go back to bed. Even so, can i have a week off from work please?

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Had a different start to the morning than normal, went to get the bus as i was running late, but instead of picking me up, it crashed into a lorry instead. Therefore i was half and hour late for work rather than the intended 2 minutes.

Shocked everyone at work today, i'm actually wearing a skirt! This is not a common thing to happen at all, and to be honest i'm only wearing it because it is the smallest size i think i've bought - i've a a piece of clothing in a size 12!!!

Monday, August 16, 2004


I am so glad that today is nearly over, so knackered from the weekend. The hen night was fantastic, 19 schoolgirls creating mischief in York. Got the photos back already and they're really funny, it's amazing what you can get people to do when drunk! Very strange seeing photos of me with short hair again.

I also went speed dating last night, after finally being persuaded by Fatima. Weirdest setting though - my gym- and I got a little tipsy there too which was a different experience. Have to say that after you get over the initial nervousness (read downed a glass of wine), it's actually quite a laugh, and a couple of blokes gave me their phone numbers :)

Now, only the big wedding and the drinking session on Bank Holiday Sunday to go this month before my liver finally gives in, finally going drinking with Karen again, it's been ages (and it's rather apt at this time of the year....).

Friday, August 13, 2004


Only an hour left now at work, then i can get on with the proper stuff of the day, getting my hair done and the hen night! It's come around so quickly, I'm not sure I'm prepared for tonight.

This is going to be one of the busiest weekends ever!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I think I know a couple of people like this!

Just found this on

Choose Chav
Choose wearing your collar turned up high. Choose balancing your cap on the very top of your head. Choose hoodies. Choose wearing every piece of jewellery you have at all times, making sure as much as possible is visible by hanging your cheap chains on the outside of your t-shirts. Choose buying your clothes from a man on the estate. Choose talking with Jamaican or American accent depending on your taste. Choose smoking cheap weed on street corners. Choose to swing your arms when you walk in an effort to make yourself look bigger. Choose stealing cider from the local shop. Choose to tuck your jogging bottoms in to your socks or rolling one leg up. Choose buying the exact same things as everyone else in your group. Choose social disorder. Choose benefit fraud. Choose believing that knowing all the words to the latest Eminem album is better than knowing the alphabet. Choose dirty looks and losing fights in pubs. Choose visiting cash converter’s twice a week. Choose fake or stolen designer clothing (or by the time it gets to your estate stolen fakes).

Choose Goth
Choose wearing black clothing. Choose hanging chains from your pockets. Choose burning candles while writing down how much the world hates you and you hate it. Choose listening to dark music with virtually no understandable words. Choose painting your lips and nails black. Choose avoiding the sun. Choose sitting in a darkened room, walking around with your head down and sighing at every given opportunity. Choose smoking Marlboro Reds, while wearing pants that have the legs strapped together by tethers. Choose crying in your closet where nobody can see you because you think nobody understands you. Choose listening to the most out dated music you can find and believing that people don’t like it because its too hardcore for them, not because its utter shit!

Choose Geek
Choose dungeons and dragons and star trek. Choose IRC. ÇHöö§Ë måkîñg üþ ¥öü® öwñ üßË® |ËËt Hå×ö® §þËËk. Choose comic books, mint limited editions. Choose a MAC. Choose Linux. Choose UNIX. Choose any nix. Choose Warcraft 1. Choose asthma. Choose random spouts of hyperactivity 0MFUG!1!! L0L!!!!1111!1shift111!!one11!!!! Choose pwning your foe. Choose watching Star Wars movies in you parents house until your 50. Choose chronic masturbation. Choose being really anal about the slightest detail in the most pointless of subjects.

Notes: Of course these are just high exaggerated stereo types, but we all know what they are. For US people a chav I guess is a cross between trailer park trash and wiggers. Goths can come in many forms some more extreme then others, but all from the same bloodline. Geeks…. Err we all know what a geek is!

York in summertime

Hard to believe this time last year i was probably sat outside here in glorious sunshine!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I feel really weird. it's all quiet on the work and social front. Is this the quiet before the storm?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

English Summertime

Judging by the weather i think i dreamt about how warm it was over the weekend, and we are in fact in the middle of October - where has the summer gone? It had better not be like this on Friday for the hen do. I think I've got everything sorted for that, my mum is sending up my old school tie (a rather fetching green and black striped affair).

Boo hiss - my Scissors Sisters CD isn't arriving until Thursday now :(

Monday, August 09, 2004

Take me out

Had an excellent weekend, the right person won Big Brother, ate loads at a barbecue on Saturday, and an offer to go on holiday next year (money allowing of course).

Had one of those really annoying nights of sleep last night, fell asleep quite early, then woke up at 3 not being able to get back to sleep until 6. Managed to finish the book i only bought yesterday, so I'm going to have to get some more books in.

Finally bought the Franz Ferdinand album yesterday which is excellent, and the Scissor Sisters should (fingers crossed) have arrived today, so i will be mostly annoying the neighbours this week :)

Some more good news for me, I'll be able to have some time off work soon as we're getting a new secretary - hopefully she'll be good!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

See, that's why I'm self-conscious

Just come back from the bastard hospital (nothing serious), and the bloody doctor told me that when they next see me she would like me to have lost some more weight. Hang on, I've lost 5 FUCKING stone since I first went there in October, but no that's not enough. Doesn't matter that my friends were worried about me losing so much weight and thought that I might not have been eating, or the fact that I'm actually in the "healthy" part of the BMI calculator. I must be ultra skinny for this doctor, which is never going to happen because I'm not built that way. I think I'll listen to the people who know me a lot better than this doctor (friends, family), and not lose any more!

Rant over :)

Monday, August 02, 2004

How much?!

Finally got my provisional driving licence back (it's only taken me a year to change my address!) so I thought I'd see how much driving lessons are these days, seeing as I haven't had a professional one in 4 years - £20 an hour! That's not even including your theory or your practical tests. Thing is, I know I've got to start learning again soon, I'm really starting to need a car quite badly. Time to start to think of cunning ways of getting LOTS of cash quickly...

Least I can cheer myself up as my friend has finally given me a copy of the Blink 182 CD - only four months till we see them :)

Major Liver Damage

Note to self: Don't think that you will be ok for work when you only get to sleep at 4 in the morning, you'll just be very, very tired.

The weekend definitely went in an alcoholic blur as i went out Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all for "quiet beers" and all with me not going to bed till the wee hours of the morning - not good. Definitely a detox week for me.

Oh no, in my drunken state I've agreed to go speed dating in a couple of weeks...

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