Saturday, September 04, 2004

I'm a singleton, get me out of here!

I, as from tonight, officially hate being single. Went to work barbecue, which was very nice (this little ramble is meaning no disrespect to the people who I was with, I mean, I work with you), but it was so, so couply. Couples with kids, couples without, when there was no-one else to talk to, they could talk to each other, me, well it was a case of "Hello Mr Budweiser, how are you". The thing that got me in the end was the fact that we had to get a taxi home (people drinking) and the people I was with were a foursome anyway. No bother as far as I was concerned, I had the money to get taxi home on my own so no big deal. It kind of turned into a case of "who is willing to take Lindsay home?".


At least the weird dreams have stopped. I have been looking into it and it seems that the main meaning behind all of them is that I am repressing my feelings. I think anyone could tell you that about me...


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