Monday, November 22, 2004

Ever wished you pulled a sickie?

What a fucking day!

Starts off with me getting up rather late (not that it matters so much any more, but i'm not used to it yet), then stuck in traffic because of water leaks everywhere, then i seem to have someone snap at me for an INNOCENT remark.

It gets better...

Then the computer system at work decides not to play anymore, then the machine the record your flexitime decides it's had enough. I then realise i don't have enough money to go to the meal i'm supposed to tomorrow, the bank says no to an overdraft extension after the second time of trying as the first time their system crashes(and i also cannot fathom exactly what they're saying as the bank call centre has been shipped overseas).

There's more...

I then have to stay late as the receptionists cannot be arsed to stay 15 minutes extra. i arrive home at nearly half 6 (my bus home was late) to find that the Christmas present for my mum, which was supposed to have been sent to my parents house as it is rather large, has arrived here.

All i need is for the psycho to text me again for the icing on the cake.

Thank god for wine is all i can say :)


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