Monday, November 08, 2004

I'm Bored, OK?

Three Things

Created by andy and taken 10155 times on bzoink!

Three things that scare me:
3My mind
Three people who make me laugh:
1All my friends in their own silly way
2Matthew Perry (and drool!)
3Peter Kay
Three Things I love:
1My friends and family
2Staying in bed
Three Things I hate:
1Having no money
2Office politics (i'm allowed atm)
3Empty promises
Three things I don't understand:
1Why i still smoke
2Why i can't be myself all the time
3Why life can't be more straightforward
Three things on my desk:
1(as i'm at home) glass of wine
3Winnie the Pooh
Three things I'm doing right now:
1Er.. typing this
2Drinking my wine
3Thinking about the day i've had
Three things I want to do before I die:
1Go abroad
2Go in a hot air balloon
3Do something i'll be remembered for
Three things I can do:
1Listen to other people
2Down a pint in about 20 seconds
3Bend my fingers weirdly
Three ways to describe my personality:
2Up and down moods
Three things I can't do:
2Tell people how i feel

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