Friday, December 31, 2004

Yes, i am alive

Well, i should say a very belated Merry Christmas to everyone as i have not written anything in a while, i hope you all got what you wanted.

Now it's new year time again, have to say that this year has been a bit of a mixed bag for me. To sum up it's been the year of being out a lot more than usual, lack of sleep, psycho Stu (who now thankfully seems to have pissed off)and lots of changes. Roll on 2005, i think it's going to be a good year!

I also have to say happy birthday to my dad for today :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Is this real?

My site is worth something?

I checked others out too, you're not there!

Party at Mine!

I now have the house to myself for three whole weeks as Ju has gone to New Zealand to see her family (say hello to mine over there!). We had a little pressie opening ceremony last night, and she got me some fantastic presents - she knows me too well- books and a drinking game :)

Work do went very well on Friday, my reputation is still in tact, and I found out one or two things... Now for the Criminal Christmas Do on Friday (it deserves the capital letters).

Friday, December 10, 2004


Tonight is the night of my work's do, hence the title (i think i may be doing that a lot later). I'm even wearing a dress, which is extremely unusual as i'm very much a trousers girl.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You know it's Christm as when..

Mother dearest calls you at least once day;
You're skint;
You have the tiredness of not enough sleep, too much alcohol;
You've drawn the worst person to buy for in secret santa at work;
You're using all your holiday up as much as you can (i.e. i have tomorrow off for no reason);
You're hoping that work will give you more than they did last year as the "Christmas bonus" so you can get through January;
You wake up in the middle of the night, remembering that you have to get Christmas cards, and then forget completely.

Welcome to my world people..

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Another question thingy

1. How did you choose a name for your blog?
From the song a few people associate with me

2. How many times have you changed the name of your blog?

3. How many blogs to you update regularly?
I only have the one, as that is full of drivel

4. How many times have you moved in your life?
er... 8 times and that's in the past 7 years

5. On a scale of 1-10, how stressful is moving (in your opinion)?
8, especially if you're moving 200 odd miles away

6. When moving, do you/would you rent a moving van/truck?
The last time I used a rental van (with a friend driving/moving) so I would highly recommend that

7. Do you wear glasses? If so, how old were you when you needed them?
Unfortunately yes (but only for reading/computer stuff when I can be arsed), I got my first pair when I was 14

8. What one question would you hope someone running a meme, would ask?
I don't know!


Well, Blink were not actually as good as I thought they would be, they seemed to rush through their set which was a bit annoying. Oh well, we're now all going to see Little Britain next year which should be funny.

I'm rather pissed off at home. The washing machine has decided that it won't drain any water, therefore I had a slightly flooded kitchen this afternoon, and the electrics upstairs have gone to pot, so I have to go to the toilet in the dark, which I REALLY hate doing :(

I also can't believe I didn't get out of bed until half one this afternoon, I think it may be due to the fact that our lovely neighbour decided to do some DIY on my opposite wall at 8am on Saturday - did he not know I hardly got any sleep the night before?

Friday, December 03, 2004

Tonight's the night

We go to see Blink 182!

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Well it's the second day in the festive month and i've already had a hangover! I also have to do it all again tonight :/

Oh well, perhaps i should add to my list to Santa a request for a new liver, i have a feeling i may well need it.

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