Friday, May 27, 2005

Interview Questions

Right, here are my answers - thanks for the questions

1. How did you find my blog?

I think it was from

2. If you could go back and re-live one day of your life and do
something differently, would you?

Hmm, tricky. I don't think i would because I'm quite happy with how things are.

3. Describe your neighborhood.

Outskirts of York city centre, not the best area in the world, but definitely not the worst!

4. Since you just had a birthday (happy birthday!), describe what
you'd like to do for your 30th birthday.


I'd probably do something similar to what my housemate did. Get loads of people round to a big house/something, loads of beer, barbecue and music.

5. If your weren't answering these questions right now, what would you be doing?

Working! Oops...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

1. My uncle once: was on Bullseye (and won!)

2. Never in my life: would i be as big as i was

3. When I was five: i was much shyer that i am now (and that's saying something)

4. High School was: the worst years of my life

5. I will never forget: so many things

6. I once met: Jimmy Saville. He came to visit me in hospital doncha know (yes i screamed at him to go away)

7. There’s this girl I know: who is/was so up her own arse it's unbelievable

8. Once, at a bar: i nearly had a fight with a man because i didn't fancy him (seriously)

9. By noon I’m usually: eating lunch/breakfast or emailing friends

10. Last night: i was still suffering from my bug

11. If I only had: £1 million pounds :)

12. Next time I go to church: will probably be someone's wedding

13. Terry Schiavo: er, who?

14. What worries me most: death

15. When I turn my head left, I see: the Spare room bed and wall

16. When I turn my head right, a weird picture

17. You know I’m lying when: i don't look at you

18. What I miss most about the eighties: being a child

19. If I was a character written by Shakespeare, i'd be puck

20. By this time next year: we'll be millionaires! or 25, whatever comes first

21. A better name for me would be: well i was nearly called Kirsty..

22. I have a hard time understanding: my life!

23. If I ever go back to school I’ll: study harder

24. You know I like you if: i talk to you longer than 5 mins

25. If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: my mum

26. Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: cool

27. Take my advice: never eat yellow snow

28. My ideal breakfast is: a bacon buttie (only on occasions obviously)

29. A song I love, but do not have is: with or without you - U2

30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest: running away very quickly

31. Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: crap

32. Why won’t people: say what they mean?

33. If you spend the night at my house: ah, that depends on who you are ;)

34. I’d stop my wedding for: no comment

35. The world could do without: Reality tv

36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat raw tomatoes

37. My favorite blonde is: Karen!

38. Paper clips are more useful than: a chocolate teapot

39. If I do anything well, it’s: moodiness

40. And by the way: i have double jointed fingers :)

How long?

People still seem to be reading this thing (are you all bored?) so I suppose I should update.

Since I last blogged, I think you all may have realised that I am now another year older. Still not that bad yet, 24 is ok (if you ask what it's like to be older again you're dead). Had a brilliant night out on the actual day apart from a couple of minor mishaps, so thank you for coming out you lot. It was also very nice scaring my brother with the fact that yes, he is old!

Another reason I haven't blogged (well this week anyway) is the fact that I have been really poorly with a bug. I have literally never felt so tired in my life, even when I have trapsed home at 7 in the morning when I have work. At least you know with that it's self-induced (and loads of fun), whereas when you're poorly, you can only blame your immune system.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

An apt meme

1) What is your birthday, what time were you born, what astrological sign are you, and what city and state were you born in?

14th May, about 4:45pm, so that makes me a Taurus. Born in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

2) Are there any famous events or famous people that share your special day?

George Lucas is a good one :)

3) What did you do to celebrate your last birthday?

Went into York (on the day and day before) and er, drank lots

4) What is your best birthday celebration that you can remember?

Last year was pretty good, think my 18th was the best though

5) What is the best birthday present you have ever received?

That would be my dearly departed Micra for my 18th

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