Interview Questions
Right, here are my answers - thanks for the questions
1. How did you find my blog?
I think it was from
2. If you could go back and re-live one day of your life and do
something differently, would you?
Hmm, tricky. I don't think i would because I'm quite happy with how things are.
3. Describe your neighborhood.
Outskirts of York city centre, not the best area in the world, but definitely not the worst!
4. Since you just had a birthday (happy birthday!), describe what
you'd like to do for your 30th birthday.
I'd probably do something similar to what my housemate did. Get loads of people round to a big house/something, loads of beer, barbecue and music.
5. If your weren't answering these questions right now, what would you be doing?
Working! Oops...
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