Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Told you I'd update!

Anyhoo, no news from the hospital yet, it seems to have gone very quiet on that front. Strange really, it was fast-tracked for ages and now... nothing. Trying not to think about it too much right now. It's amazing how many hits I'm getting about it, just because I used the word terratoma, quite reassuring to see how common it is.

Ah yes, better mention this as she does sometimes read it (!) Happy Birthday Ms K - I won't tell anyone how old you are ;)

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Well I've had my blood test and my MRI scan, thankfully the blood test is clear, so no cancer (woohoo!)

MRI scan is really weird, hope I never have to have that again. I've never had claustrophobia in my life, but I got it with that. It's so noisy as well! They give you music to listen to, but it's not quite loud enough. Do know I'll never buy anything of Jamaroqui though. Still haven't heard back from the scan, so not sure what is going to happen next.

I was admitted to hospital a couple of weeks ago for an infection, kinda connected to what I have. Discharged myself after one night as I felt so much better and I just couldn't stand being in hospital any more, being told I was a "unique case" by the consultant in charge of me. How about I don't care how "unique" I am because I've had this twice, JUST GET RID OF IT!!

Haven't done one of these in a while

Name 3 qualities that are important to you in friendship.

Trust, honesty, fun

If you could dream about anything tonight, what would the subject matter be?

Completely depends on my mindset when i go to bed, i know what dream i do like having, and it's not for sharing!

Do you usually make an effort to personally thank people who do favors for you?

I try to yes, especially as i like the same in return

Main Course
If you had to go out of town for an extended period of time, who would you trust to take care of your home and belongings?

I share my house so that's not an issue, belongings it would probably be Karen to be honest

How do you react to practical jokes when they're played on you?

Laugh - in the end!

«#Blogging Brits?»