I am getting very sleepy...
Ah, can't believe it is Monday already, weekends just go far too quickly for my liking, especially when they are in an alcoholic and cold haze.
Well date didn't happen, turned out that he was a complete tosser. Was really pissed off about it, but then realised that there was no point in letting a man get me upset, so not worth it. Went to Leeds on Friday, was a really good laugh, and we came back at the respectable time of 1am, which is very good for me. My cold was obviously making me sensible for a change (then again, perhaps not). Saturday was just really nice and chilled, watched the rugby (bloody French), and finally cleaned up the pit that is my bedroom - I can see my floor now! Last night made the mistake of going out for a "quiet beer" which ended up with me eventually going to sleep at 3. Definitely having a sober one this week....
Oh, and I also bought 3 CD's this weekend, Appetite for destruction, Blondie's greatest hits and the Trainspotting soundtrack. My collection is growing!
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