Monday, September 06, 2004

The only way to travel

I really was in a bad mood in the last post wasn't i? I'm not anymore so perhaps i should just forget what i said.

Had a great afternoon yesterday, Ju's friend came over in a gorgeous BMW Convertible so we went cruising to a pub in Heslington (which i haven't been to in a long time) with the top down and the music full blast. I now so want to pass my test, win the lottery and get one of them!

Then went into town for a few "quiet" beers, had a major blast from the past when i bumped into someone who used to work with a couple of friends of mine, and i haven't seen him since his leaving do which must be over a year ago. I never really used to like him but it turns out that he is actually an alright bloke. That will teach me not to make judgements.

The new secretary started this morning, she smokes, she drinks, she swears, she's really going to fit in!

Oh, and the weird dreams are back, can't really remember much but i know i woke up in a panic. i think i know why I'm having them now, I've had a couple of things on my mind (one of them obviously being whether the new secretary will be good), and it's been effecting my sleep. Hopefully things will be resolved soon, and I'll be able to get a decent nights kip.


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