Thursday, November 25, 2004

My very first (possible) broken bone

I've now decided that i don't like cats very much (i do really, just one particular one)as they have caused me to have a suspected cracked rib. I was on the bus home just about to get off when the driver slammed on the brakes because a cat decided to cross the road, i then bashed straight into the rails. My rib was a little bit painful last night, but nothing compared to this morning..

So, having spent a couple of hours in casualty having been sent there by work and the walk in centre, i'm still in pain and woozy from medication, oh and at home resting, which is very difficult to do because i can't get comfy.

What a week this has been - so glad i have tomorrow off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack! I always knew that cats were evil! Hope you feel better soon!

12:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You going to sue ?

3:16 pm  
Blogger Lindsay said...

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4:59 pm  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Damn right! Got a meeting on Monday :)

5:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like a little litigation to ease the pain :>

12:56 pm  

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