Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Just how clumsy can one person be? I've already tripped up on myself, spilt my coffee twice, dropped my phone and too many typos to mention, and it's not even lunchtime yet!

At least spring has arrived, definitely beer garden weather at the moment. Sunny weather really does lift your spirits, especially as I was able to walk to work without a coat.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Just had a look at the Leeds festival website. Was hoping to go for one day but am now considering going for the full lot because there is Green Day playing on Friday, the Darkness on Saturday and Franz Ferdinand on the Sunday (plus others of course!). Obviously this is going to cost me a hell of a lot more money etc, plus I'm not keen on camping. Decisions, decisions...

You've got the lurgy!

Ha ha, my germs are spreading. I've got two people at work already, perhaps some of the people I was with at the weekend will get it as well *evil grin*

Already have Friday night planned, department night out as everything changes on Thursday. I get a new boss (well not new as such) and my old boss becomes boss of the firm, so we thought it was a great excuse for us all to go out and get pissed :)

Monday, March 29, 2004

I am getting very sleepy...

Ah, can't believe it is Monday already, weekends just go far too quickly for my liking, especially when they are in an alcoholic and cold haze.

Well date didn't happen, turned out that he was a complete tosser. Was really pissed off about it, but then realised that there was no point in letting a man get me upset, so not worth it. Went to Leeds on Friday, was a really good laugh, and we came back at the respectable time of 1am, which is very good for me. My cold was obviously making me sensible for a change (then again, perhaps not). Saturday was just really nice and chilled, watched the rugby (bloody French), and finally cleaned up the pit that is my bedroom - I can see my floor now! Last night made the mistake of going out for a "quiet beer" which ended up with me eventually going to sleep at 3. Definitely having a sober one this week....

Oh, and I also bought 3 CD's this weekend, Appetite for destruction, Blondie's greatest hits and the Trainspotting soundtrack. My collection is growing!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004


Have just found out that the other secretary i work with is going to be leaving soon, moving up north with army hubby :(

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Well that must make me VERY clever

Cannot believe I left my keys at work last night - nice one! Had to wait for my housemate to get home, and all because I was too lazy to go to the gym.

On a happier note, texting frenzy with bloke I met at the weekend (and by frenzy I mean about 100 texts since Sunday!).

Ah, two days left at work...

Monday, March 22, 2004

Cha cha slide? Er no I don't think so.

Have to say that the ending of Sex and the City was predictable, although of course good. Housemate and I celebrated the end of it by having Cosmopolitan cocktails on Saturday (and plenty of wine as well!).

Spent most of Saturday day in Ikea, with all those nesting couples driving me up the wall, although I think because of the yucky weather most people stayed at home. Least housemate got loads of stuff for the house, and I've finally got a bin for my room (I've only been there 6 months).

Things to look forward to this week: I have a date (!), payday, have booked Friday off and going to Leeds :)

Friday, March 19, 2004

Alcoholic kind of mood...

I hate not being well, all I want to do when I'm like that is sleep and I cannot control it. Still, at least I've caught up now after a week of 4 hour nights :/

Can't believe the last episode of Sex and the City is tonight, I've seemed to have missed most of it due to being out/otherwise engaged so have only got the basic gist of the plot. Staying in tonight though, maybe I should make cocktails.... (I'll probably just stick to the usual, vodka and coke)

Housemate and I have decided to go out tomorrow night, hopefully not to all the usual places. Trying to organise going to Leeds next Friday - it will be the first time for me going out properly there, even though I've lived up north for nearly 4 years!

My mum has given me the "birthday phone call" already, even though it's not until the middle of May. I swear she asks what I want earlier and earlier each year, I mean, it's not even an important one this year (23). What's wrong with asking the week before?

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head

I've decided that instead of thinking up witty titles, I'm just going to put words of songs that I've listened to on, hence the meaningless title today.

caffeine fix has started in earnest today, red bull and coffee has been consumed, and eyes don't feel so glued together any more. Work is still manic, and no sign of letting up so really need to be awake. Maybe I should get some pro plus...

Listened to a compilation CD that I haven't heard in ages. I'd forgotten what good tracks were one it, Massive Attack, Underworld, Primal Scream, Placebo, Skunk Anansie - all very good. Have decided on pay day that I will be buying the Guns 'n' Roses greatest hits album, which of course will have to played at full blast - sorry neighbours :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

In the end, it doesn't even matter

I'm starting to wonder what my friendship means to some people. Do they care about my opinion, my ideas, myself, or am I just a dumping ground for other people's unhappiness? I'd like to think that I am more than that, that I am someone who people can have a laugh with and for me not to be used and mistreated. Sometimes I would really like someone to listen to me about my feelings, about what I want and to give ME advice for a change. I'm just as confused as the rest of you about this thing called life, so why not help me as well?

I'm getting mixed feelings about how many true friends I really have at the moment, or whether I am just someone at the end of the phone/email that they can have a rant at or whether I do actually mean something to them. It's at times like this I wish I could read minds...

As you can probably tell, I'm having a very crap day, bad family news, crap work and no sleep. Still, the question has to be asked - at the end of the day, who is there for me?

Monday, March 15, 2004

Just another manic Monday

Had a very drunken Friday (didn't wear new top in the end, chickened out!),not much sleep, so Saturday and Sunday was all about resting. Didn't do much at all, read two books, got 13 hours sleep, got a lecture from a friend and listened to pretty much my entire CD collection - bliss :)

This morning has been spent training someone at work - realised just how much stuff there is to learn, quite glad I know it.

Hmmm. After my gluttonous week, must try to go swimming again tonight methinks.

So want to go home now, can't bloody concentrate. Doncha hate it when you wake up at 4:30am and cannot get back to sleep? Oh well, at least I had SOME sleep.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Not so much pain now

Toothache seems to have gone away for now, which is very good news considering I have a pathological fear of dentists, and the last time I went was over two years ago.

Bought myself a new top for tonight. Quite different from anything I would usually wear considering it is sleeveless and er very low cut. Should go well with my new skirt, which again is very usual for me. The last time I wore a skirt was in July I think, definitely a jeans or trousers fan. I'm sure that after a few drinks I won't be too self-conscious.

Oh, and you can stop with the Man U texts now!


Why do teeth have to suddenly start hurting when you cannot afford to go to the dentist, and you can't find an NHS one that is taking appointments before June? i'll just have to put up with it for now methinks.

Going out tonight so hopefully alcohol will have some healing effect :)

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Plink, plink fizz

My head hurts. Housemate and I decided to go for a drink last night because we were bored at home. I think we got back at about 2. I just cannot do quiet beers, AND I'm playing tennis tonight - have to be awake...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


Just heard Ocean Colour Scene's Day we caught the train, brought back loads of memories of my last summer of freedom (before i joined the real world and got a job), especially the Stella bucket and taking a tin of copper coins to the off licence. Ah how young and innocent i was (well young, i was 16!).

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Wanna go home!

I can now walk again, albeit with a slight limp, but feel like crap today. Another night of poor sleep with me pretty much seeing every hour. Having a boring day at work as well.

I'll stop whining now. Good job for caffiene is all i can say...

Monday, March 08, 2004

Can I also have a Stannah Stairlift?

My right leg has now started to hurt in sympathy, I don't know which leg to limp on anymore. I really must have done some energetic dancing on Saturday, I remember being on the revolving dancefloor, but only for a little bit. I certainly would have remembered if I had fallen over, i wasn't /that/ drunk :)

At least I didn't have a hangover on Sunday, quite good considering I actually only had 3 hours sleep. My poor friend was sick most of the day yesterday - she actually left a good few hours before me as well!

Wheelchair required

The weekend definitely was not as quiet as i thought. Went into town on Saturday afternoon, just to window shop, then met friend for a "quiet drink" which turned into three bottles of wine and trebles for singles. I then ended up in an 80's bar with a "debbie's hen night" t-shirt on (i have no idea who Debbie is). Also thought it would be a great idea to walk home via garage to get fags at 1:30am in the morning.

I seemed to have really hurt my left leg as well, not sure if it's a trapped nerve or not but have a proper silly walk going on which is making everyone laugh :)

Surprise at who won the Austrailian grand prix - not.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Looks like she just stepped out of a salon...

Well, feeling a little bit better now, had my haircut so my locks no longer look like a disaster. Have decided tonight to get myself a big bottle of JD and watch telly - hope there is something good on.

Also realised that it is the start of Formula 1 this Sunday :)

Misery loves company

Bored, bored, bored and bored seems to be the theme for this weekend. Absolutely nothing to do, and have house to myself, great :(

Tried to go swimming last night for something to do, unfortunately closed "due to chemical imbalance". Maybe it's the pools time of month (tee-hee).

Need something to do this weekend before i start to tear my hair out, and if i see any PDA's this weekend, i may have to punch the people!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Ride the caffeine high

Well i've now had about 50 million cups of coffee, and have a big bottle of red bull type thing here, which has not worked. I really want to go to sleep now....

Strange thing as well, i have absolutely nothing planned for the weekend, and i have the house to myself - what on earth am i going to do?!

Dear Deirdre

Ha well i didn't even win ONE game *sulk* No need for the victory dive though methinks. I now really ache and am so not in the mood for work seeing as i didn't get to sleep until 2.

"Lindsay's agony aunt service, how can i help? No i don't need sleep..." Why do mums think you get up when they do?

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Back to reality

You know that you have come back to your normal self when your boss says that it is nice to have you back. It's true, the depression seems to have lifted! I'm a lot more smiley than i have been in weeks - i'm sure everyone who knows me will be pleased to hear that :)

Had to do the shop last night, did the same thing i always do to my housemate, she spends loads of money, i spent £19 - i have no idea how i do it. Also finally gave my guitar back to my ex (nice trousers BTW!).

Hopefully tonight i will be whipping someone's bottom at tennis - although judging on past matches, i might be lucky to get a couple of games in. Let the challenge commence!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Miss Healthy, hmmm

Very pleased with myself - did 40 lengths of the pool last night :) Not sure whether i'm going to be able to make it tonight now though, everything seems to be happening at once, have to go shopping as a woman cannot live by toast alone (although may not have a choice given current financial mess).

Still, hopefully having a night out soon - a cheap one hopefully!

Monday, March 01, 2004

Baby i'm ready to go

Well i'm back at work, fully refreshed and ready to go (honest!). Had a really good weekend, meeting up with a friend who i have not seen in over 6 years. Went out in Oxford which was completely bizarre as we went to places that are in York, and the club we went to was a mixture of two here. Completely pigged out on mum's home cooking, so i will definitely be going swimming tonight :)

Oh, and i had to get up early on Thursday to play tennis - thankfully i won 2 games with a hangover!

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