Thursday, September 30, 2004

Watch out York

Because I passed my theory test!

Wish me luck...

It's theory test day and I'm so nervous!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I think i had one of the most random weekends ever, spent in a little village (well, mainly the local pub in the village). All i can say really is that it is early days, and you lot can stop singing!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Justified drinking

Seeing as i worked until 1 this morning, worked (the loose term) today and have had a bit of a bad week, i'm getting completely trashed tonight :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It's Official

Today has possibly been one of the worst days in the world. It has had pretty much everything in it (apart from declarations of love for me, which would mean this would be an entirely different entry (snigger), and is never going to happen). Therefore I now feel a bit drained, needing (and having) a beer, wanting someone to moan to and to never go to work again.

Still, three and a bit weeks, then two weeks off - I hate days that really suck.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Just when I get things sorted

Slight annoyance today, the course i was booked on, therefore the reason why i have my holiday when i do has now been cancelled, and is now in London instead of Oxford. I'm really looking forward to being on a train with all those lovely commuters - not. Luckily it is still when i am on holiday so it's not too bad, but the driving lesson that my mum very kindly booked (and paid for) has had to be cancelled. I hope she'll be able to get it changed or at least get her money back.

Something completely irrelevant: I cannot believe it's been a year since i moved house, how quick has it gone?

Monday, September 20, 2004

Not much to say

I've got a real Monday morning feeling going on today, as in i really cannot be arsed to do anything.

Had a pretty quiet weekend, just catching up with friends, avoiding doing my work, and getting full marks on a mock theory test.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Can't think of any title..

Had a really good night last night, went out with new secretary Sara and people from work (plus Ju)for a few beers. Me and Ju ended up in the Roman Baths listening to a karaoke version of Linkin Park's "in the end" which was actually quite good. It was nice to get a night off from the laptop at home as well, as well as catching up with Ju's gossip as i haven't really seen her for week (i don't know, loved up people eh?)

I also by accident caught some of the Cosmetic Surgery Live programme the other night, very bizarre. There was one woman who wanted to go from an A cup to and E cup, which, let's face it, would be me going from what i am to being Jordan! How on earth is her back going to take it? And why do people watch this programme for fun?

I think my home computer is dying a death, it's getting slower and slower :'(

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Just a quick note

To say Happy Birthday Mum! Don't worry, i won't tell anyone how old you are ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Handbags and Gladrags

After 6 months, i think i have finally got the bag to help me get over losing my Lambretta one. Sad i know but that bag was me!

Whinge, whinge, whine

I am so tired (yep, I'm whinging again, but you'll have to excuse me, I've been very bored and on my lonesome this weekend, and i have to moan somewhere and you lot have to feel sorry for me).

I didn't finish working until 10 last night, having started at 9 in the morning and i feel completely drained. I haven't had chance to practice for theory test (never mind getting the books etc to do it), plus having a lovely trip to the doctors where i had to discuss my medical history since 1983 (really true) for no reason, joy.

I'm also confused about something, have i done something wrong?

At least i've remembered my mum's birthday present to post for her big day tomorrow, i hope it gets there in time.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's getting famous

Someone, i've no idea who they are has got my blog linked to their page - thanks!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

When do you know you've taken too much work on?

I think the next couple of weeks will be going by in quite a blur. I've got lots of work to do from home (as well as actually going to work), and have a lovely shiny laptop to do it on. The only thing about it is that it has one of those annoying mouse pads that clicks on anything when you move it, and no plug for a normal mouse, so some swear words may have slipped from my mouth tonight when suddenly I was typing 5 paragraphs above where I was before.

I've also FINALLY booked my theory test for two weeks time so I will be revising quite a bit, as well as trying to find the books etc to help me with it. I've done a few mock tests on the internet and I've passed one (only just) without any revision, so wish me luck. Look out people of York, if things go to plan hopefully by the end of the year I will be driving!


Well it's so nice to see some people are sympathetic about me being scared of a bat - not. In my defence, it did look like a rat coming out of the drain, and my foot was right next to it :'(

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Bizarre work happenings

Things that shouldn't really happen when you're out having a cig at work, a bat crawling out of the drain and scaring you shitless.

Monday, September 06, 2004

The only way to travel

I really was in a bad mood in the last post wasn't i? I'm not anymore so perhaps i should just forget what i said.

Had a great afternoon yesterday, Ju's friend came over in a gorgeous BMW Convertible so we went cruising to a pub in Heslington (which i haven't been to in a long time) with the top down and the music full blast. I now so want to pass my test, win the lottery and get one of them!

Then went into town for a few "quiet" beers, had a major blast from the past when i bumped into someone who used to work with a couple of friends of mine, and i haven't seen him since his leaving do which must be over a year ago. I never really used to like him but it turns out that he is actually an alright bloke. That will teach me not to make judgements.

The new secretary started this morning, she smokes, she drinks, she swears, she's really going to fit in!

Oh, and the weird dreams are back, can't really remember much but i know i woke up in a panic. i think i know why I'm having them now, I've had a couple of things on my mind (one of them obviously being whether the new secretary will be good), and it's been effecting my sleep. Hopefully things will be resolved soon, and I'll be able to get a decent nights kip.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I'm a singleton, get me out of here!

I, as from tonight, officially hate being single. Went to work barbecue, which was very nice (this little ramble is meaning no disrespect to the people who I was with, I mean, I work with you), but it was so, so couply. Couples with kids, couples without, when there was no-one else to talk to, they could talk to each other, me, well it was a case of "Hello Mr Budweiser, how are you". The thing that got me in the end was the fact that we had to get a taxi home (people drinking) and the people I was with were a foursome anyway. No bother as far as I was concerned, I had the money to get taxi home on my own so no big deal. It kind of turned into a case of "who is willing to take Lindsay home?".


At least the weird dreams have stopped. I have been looking into it and it seems that the main meaning behind all of them is that I am repressing my feelings. I think anyone could tell you that about me...

Friday, September 03, 2004

I have (another) dream

Dreams are still not stopping, new one last night: In a club, dancing with someone i know, and suddenly a bouncer runs towards me and pushes me through a window! These are getting really bizarre now..

Thursday, September 02, 2004


I am really tired at the moment. I've had three nights of the weirdest dreams, I've been bullied, chased by a helicopter, shot at and married (possibly the scariest one!) Wish i was good at analysing dreams because these have really got me confused. I thought it might have been because of eating cheese (or is that just an old wives tale?) but i didn't have any last night. Anyone got any ideas as to what these might mean?

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