Thursday, September 09, 2004

When do you know you've taken too much work on?

I think the next couple of weeks will be going by in quite a blur. I've got lots of work to do from home (as well as actually going to work), and have a lovely shiny laptop to do it on. The only thing about it is that it has one of those annoying mouse pads that clicks on anything when you move it, and no plug for a normal mouse, so some swear words may have slipped from my mouth tonight when suddenly I was typing 5 paragraphs above where I was before.

I've also FINALLY booked my theory test for two weeks time so I will be revising quite a bit, as well as trying to find the books etc to help me with it. I've done a few mock tests on the internet and I've passed one (only just) without any revision, so wish me luck. Look out people of York, if things go to plan hopefully by the end of the year I will be driving!


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